
What is a C-section?

A C-section, also called a cesarean section or cesarean delivery, is a surgical procedure in which your baby is delivered through incisions in your abdomen and uterus. They’re performed when a vaginal delivery isn’t possible or safe, or when the health of you or your baby is at risk.

When would I need a C-section?

You may need a C-section if you have certain medical conditions or if complications occur during labor in a vaginal delivery. A planned C-section happens when any of the following conditions exist:

  • Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD): CPD is a term that means that your baby’s head or body is too large to pass safely through your pelvis, or your pelvis is too small to deliver an average-sized baby.
  • Previous C-section: Although it’s possible to have a vaginal birth after a previous C-section, it’s not an option for everyone. Factors that can affect this include the type of uterine incision used in the previous C-section and the risk of uterine rupture.
  • Expecting multiples: Although twins can often be delivered vaginally, two or more babies might require a C-section.
  • Placenta previa: In this condition, the placenta is attached too low in your uterus and blocks your baby’s exit through your cervix.
  • Transverse lie: Your baby is in a horizontal, or sideways, position in your uterus.
  • Breech presentation: In a breech presentation, your baby is feet- or bottom-first in your uterus. Some providers may attempt to turn your baby, but a C-section will be necessary if that’s unsuccessful.
  • Health conditions: Conditions like heart disease could worsen with labor during a vaginal birth. A C-section is necessary if you have genital herpes at the time of delivery.
  • Obstruction: A large uterine fibroid, a pelvic fracture or you’re expecting a baby with certain congenital anomalies may also be reasons for a C-section.

An unplanned C-section delivery might be necessary if any of the following conditions arise during your labor:

  • Labor isnt progressing: Also called prolonged labor, this means your cervix dilates and stops, doesn’t efface (or thin) or your baby stops moving down the birth canal.
  • Umbilical cord compression: The umbilical cord is looped around your baby’s neck or body or caught between your baby’s head and your pelvis.
  • Umbilical cord prolapse: The umbilical cord comes out of your cervix before your baby does.
  • Placental abruption: The placenta separates from the wall of your uterus before your baby is born.
  • Fetal distress: Your baby might develop problems that cause an irregular heart rate during labor. Your obstetrician might decide that the baby can no longer tolerate labor and that a C-section is necessary.

How common are C-sections?

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), C-sections account for about 30% of all deliveries in the United States.

Procedure Details

What can I expect before a C-section?

If you have a planned C-section, the following procedures will take place:

  • You’ll sign consent forms for the procedure.
  • The anesthesiologist will discuss options for anesthesia. Most often, it’s an epidural (or spinal block) that numbs you from your breasts down to your feet.
  • The hair in the area around the incision will be clipped or shaved.
  • A catheter will be inserted to keep your bladder empty.
  • You will have heart and blood pressure monitors applied.
  • You’ll get an IV in your hand or arm to give you medicine and fluid.
  • You’ll discuss the procedure and what to expect with your obstetrician (if you haven’t already).

If you need an emergency C-section, your obstetrician delivers your baby quickly because either the health of you or your baby is at risk. However, there’s typically not much time to prepare, and you may need general anesthesia because it works faster.

What actually happens during a C-section?

The first step in a C-section procedure is preparing you for anesthesia. Most planned C-sections use an epidural, so you are awake for the delivery. However, in some cases, you’re asleep under general anesthesia.

Your abdomen will be cleaned with an antiseptic, and you might have an oxygen mask placed over your mouth and nose to increase oxygen to your baby. Next, your provider places a sterile drape around the incision site and over your legs and chest. Finally, your providers raise a sterile curtain or drape between your head and your lower body.

The obstetrician will then make an incision through your skin and into the wall of your abdomen. They might use either a vertical or transverse incision. A horizontal incision is also called a bikini incision.

Next, your provider cuts a 3- to 4-inch incision into the wall of your uterus. This incision can also be transverse or vertical. Finally, the obstetrician removes your baby through the incisions. The umbilical cord is cut, the placenta is removed and the incisions are closed with stitches and staples.

Emergency C-sections follow the same steps; however, the speed at which your baby is removed is different. During a planned C-section, the delivery takes about 10 to 15 minutes. Your provider removes your baby in only a few minutes in an emergency C-section.

If you’re awake for your C-section surgery, you will be able to see and hold your baby shortly after it’s born.

What does a C-section feel like?

You’ll be under anesthesia, which should prevent you from feeling any pain. Most people report feeling a tug or pull when their baby is removed from their abdomen.

Are C-sections safe?

Vaginal births are usually preferred, but in some cases, a C-section is the only safe option. For example, a C-section is the safer option when your baby is breech or you have placenta previa (placenta covers part of the cervix). A C-section carries risks and benefits, which should be discussed with your pregnancy care provider.

How long does a C-section surgery take?

The typical C-section takes about 45 minutes from start to finish. After your provider delivers your baby, they’ll stitch your uterus and close the incision in your abdomen. Different types of emergencies can arise during a delivery. In some cases, the delivery will happen very quickly, with your baby being delivered in as little as 15 minutes. This is an emergency C-section.

What happens after a C-section?

Like vaginal births, your obstetrician will deliver the placenta after your baby is born. Next, your provider will stitch your uterus and stitch or staple your abdominal muscles. Stitches should dissolve, but staples are removed at the hospital about one week later. Your abdomen will be sore for several days or weeks. In some cases, your provider may prescribe stronger pain medication.

You can expect to limit your activities, take it easy and rely on family and friends once you go home. A typical C-section surgery requires at least two to three days in the hospital.

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